Friday, January 25, 2013

Jane at 20 months

Our little Janey girl is 20 months and it won't be long before she is 2!! 

At 20 months some of your favorite things are:

Baby dolls and babies.  You absolutely LOVE your baby dolls and are attracted to any baby you see.  You have gotten some good practice with your baby cousins and are very gentle and sweet with them, wanting to help give them their pacis or just to sit by them contentedly. I know you will be a wonderful big sister, although I think you will have to get used to Mommy holding another baby : )

You are very outgoing and love to be around people.  Every time we go somewhere you are waving at people and wanting to grab strangers just have a sweet congenial disposition and would have no problem kissing any stranger if I let you.  Most everyone is just charmed by your smile including Mommy.

We tell you all the time you are too cute for your own good.  Sometimes it is hard to discipline you when you give me this look...which is your "I know I just did something I wasn't supposed to.  Can I get away with it?" (this was right after you threw food off your high chair)

When you're not being mischevious you like to make us laugh. This is your "funny face"

 and your "fish face".

Your favorite foods are bananas, raw milk, blueberries, and you can be pretty hit or miss on most foods depending on your mood.

You love your sister, and you follow her around wanting to do whatever she is doing.  Sometimes you pester her, especially if she is watching a show and not paying attention to you.  You are still learning how to share which is probably the hardest thing to train you in right now.

You have a pretty short attention span, and can't sit still for very long but you do have certain favorite books you love me to read to you.  You love any book about cats or babies.  The only thing that can hold your interest for longer periods is and you will actually sit longer than 30 minutes for that.

You are really very smart, and your vocabulary has been growing and growing.  You love to tell people "Bess you" after they sneeze and that is just adorable.  You have learned to say please and thank you and can do small tasks such as throwing things away, cleaning up under your chair after you eat, throwing dirty clothes in the hamper, or putting your shoes away. 

You are still very much a "Mama's girl" and can still be very needy of me at times.  I think you will learn to grow out of that more once baby sister comes, although it will probably be a rough transition for you at first. 

I call you my "Sugar" because you give are so affectionate.  You would sit in my lap and rock most any time of day. Mommy loves you so much, and I am soaking up this time with you as my baby, although you know you always will be. 

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Kay is 3 and 5 years of marriage!

This is a belated post I've been meaning to write since we've recovered from the holidays.

We had a wonderful Christmas and traveled over 1000 miles between families!  That's a lot of time in the car folks but we made it praise the Lord.

Paw-Paw got them a pink jeep.  Kay actually pushed the petal but wouldn't steer. Hopefully not an indication of later driving practices : )

 Fun times with Rosey.

Then some time spent with the other cousins...all 8 of them!

And.....on December 29 the hubby and I celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary as well as Kay turning 3 years old!!!!

Yes we share our anniversary with our firstborn and we don't mind a bit.  3 years ago she was born on our 2 year wedding anniversary and our marriage has never been the same....for some reason people seem to think children ruin marriages, but that just hasn't been the case for us.  Our marriage has had its ups and downs of course, but marital bliss didn't fizzle once the children came.  Quite the opposite is true. That is a whole other topic of course : )

We had a small birthday celebration during our time with Joey's side of the family.  Kay and her 1 year old cousin Molly shared the spotlight. 

It seems like right when she hit 3 so many things have changed for her.  She is no longer a little toddler but a little girl!

Kay at 3 loves...

 Candy...I try not to indulge her love often

 Helping Mommy in the kitchen....

Her Daddy...she is truly a "Daddy's girl".  (Here she begged to take a nap on daddy and of course he didn't object)

Pink...she is obsessed with pink.  
Anything girly...princesses, dresses, tea-sets, you get the picture.
Beans and rice is a favorite food
Watching shows
Dancing and twirling.  Some of her dance moves are hilarious.
Playing "hide and seek" which is a regular game before bedtime at our house.
She loves "preschool" and loves to learn.  She is learning to read and put letters together.

Kay continues to be one of the sweetest children I know, with the sweetest little voice still that I never want to grow up and leave.
She has the singing voice of an angel, and is constantly asked to "perform" from family but rarely will because she is too shy.  
She has really come out of her shell with people and I think her sister has helped with that.  She now loves to wave "Hi" at strangers and be as friendly as ever.

I just love you so much sweet girl.  Our relationship is so precious to me and I look forward to seeing you grow and blossom this next year.  You are the joy of my heart : )

Also while we were in Tyler Joey and I celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary!  

We had a special night away while Grammy and Pops kept the girls.  We ate at our favorite restaurants, did a little shopping, watched Les Miserables, dreamed of future plans, and slept in (which for me these days equates to around 8:00 a.m. but hey it was wonderful!)

I can't believe it has been 5 years.  We are completely different people now then we were 5 years young and still learning about each other.

Now after 5 years...we are more "in love" than we ever have been.  And have been through hard times that have brought us closer as we have had to struggle to "love" at times.  Dying to self and putting his needs above my own.  Learning to love when it is hard and seeing the fruit the Lord brings.

And the truth is, after 5 years, I still smile every time you walk in that door.